Author: Audrey Chaney (Audrey Chaney)

Home / Audrey Chaney
Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs
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by on March 29, 2018March 29, 2018

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

It’s hard to believe that Easter Sunday is right around the corner! As Edward gets older, I have found myself wanting to implement various holiday traditions, and Easter definitely doesn’t disappoint in that department! Easter may be one of my very favorite holidays, not necessarily because of the bunny pictures or the egg hunts, although...

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The Filthiness of Sin, Fighting It One Day At A Time
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by on February 22, 2018April 5, 2018

The Filthiness of Sin, Fighting It One Day At A Time

As a preface, I just want to make it known that I am writing these words and sharing them because it is quite therapeutic for me. This is why you’ll be able to find these types of posts in the ‘journal’ section of my blog. I honestly don’t expect anyone to read these. Truthfully, I’m...

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A Children’s Book Review: Catechesis Books
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by on October 9, 2017January 31, 2018

A Children’s Book Review: Catechesis Books

I recently came across a wonderful series of children’s Christian board books and immediately fell in love. Catechesis Books  produces Christian literature with the aim not only to teach the basics of Christian theology to young children, but they also effectively and beautifully illustrate these essential truths. If you’re like me, I am always on...

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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins
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by on October 3, 2017January 31, 2018

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins

The doors are open, the breeze is flowing through the house and the smell of pumpkin fills the air. Alistair is resting his tired eyes, and Edward and I are patiently awaiting warm pumpkin chocolate chip mini muffins to come out of the oven. Edward loves to help bake, and he had such a fun...

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Alistair’s Apple Orchard
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by on September 23, 2017January 31, 2018

Alistair’s Apple Orchard

Alistair is 1! It is hard to believe that an entire year has passed since our second baby boy was born. Around a year ago, I distinctly remember sitting at home opening our anniversary gifts from one another early that morning before Ed left for work (it was our 4th Anniversary!). I remember thinking, ‘Wouldn’t...

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wife + mama + maker
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by on July 27, 2017January 31, 2018

wife + mama + maker

Hey there! My name is Audrey Chaney, and I am the maker here at The Chaney Nest. My husband, Edward (Ed for short), and I got married in September of 2012. We are going on almost 5 years now! We are the smitten parents of 2 precious little boys, (little) Edward Jarvis Chaney (born January...

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